Thursday, December 17, 2009

Small Faith wins Nobel Peace Prize

Howdily-hodily neighborly-

I wanted to jot down a few things from my devoted time with my Savior, Jesus the Christ, this very night; the primo manager of this here body, soul and spirit.  The freedom I have on this side of whatever happens to us when we "get it" is nothing less everything more than the visible reality we live and breathe.  I am so thankful for the way He speaks to me.  Ok, see I get lost in the love I have for Him and get carried off.

Back to framed thoughts...first of all the account of Saul and David's relationship in 1 Samuel 16 is so lovely.  I had previously heard a friend speak on the notion of an armor-bearer in ancient times and it provoked vivid imagery of the physical and spiritual notion of the position.  So here's the relevance. After God had given the revelation to Samuel "Arise, anoint him (David); for this is the one!," David goes back to being pasture boy.  I wonder how much time passed before David was called back to actually become Saul's armor-bearer?  The neat thing is that he was obviously anointed and aware as it says "the Spirit of the Lord came up on Him."  But he had to return to his position of sheep-herder (which I must admit is on my bucket list) until the time was right.  He had to be faithful in the small things before being entrusted with the greater.

Am I being faithful in what He has called me to do and waiting with eager anticipation?  Or am I only waiting in eager anticipation.  Well, my answer is yes and no.  The list falls heavily to one side in certain areas and vice versa.  But for the those weighing in on the side of "no," well, that list got smaller tonight!  Thanks, God.  You are really cool and I mean that with reverence.

Well done, good and faithful slave!  You were faithful over a few things; I will put you in charge of many things.
Matthew 25:23

"Well, ain't that the truth!" As g-ma always said when something pleasantly shocking showed up on her soul's doorstep.

I'm leaving you with this...Be faithful in the small!


Tuesday, December 1, 2009


Hello family-

November  Yesvember update!

I wanted to update you on our Father's work to redeem His daughters via a network of sisters in Oklahoma- EVE...Eternal Voices Elevated!  Our group defies age, economic status and sounds a lot like Christianity to me; and I am so happy to be a part of it.

We headed out to the clubs on Friday night armed with handmade clutches for each woman from the Hands of Hope ministry at Henderson Hills.  We also included a save-the-date card for an upcoming retreat!

Do you want to know what else???????????????  We were let in to one of the clubs that previously we had not been let into.  They said YES!  That's right...and we prayed for it, too!  Normally, the door guys are very sincere and kind, but take the gifts at the door.  Not this night!! you say, hurray!

We are starting to meet others throughout the outreach, whether it be in the parking lots or the convenient store we stop at to purchase one of the door guys hot chocolate.  I wish you could each have been there to experience what happened that night.  We were in line to purchase the hot chocolate and the Spirit said buy that lady's 2-liter PepsiOk..."let me get that for you, we already have our money out!" 

So out of the store we go and over to the club to unload gifts and go in.  As we are unloading, a voice from behind yelled, "hey!  who are you guys?"  We turned to see that it was "T" from the convenient store.  She had three younger girls in the car with her and once she understood we were Christian, she said, " I don't even believe in God. (pause) Well, I sometimes go to church. (pause- what is happening) I CAN'T WAIT TO GO TO CHURCH THIS WEEKEND! (hugs)"  :)  Email is so flat, but I assure you this was a real live human being having a spiritual awakening of some sort.  She had tears in her eyes and continued to explain that no one has done anything that nice for her since she could remember.  The Spirit had her and it was evident...He can even use a good ol' Pepsi cola!

I want to share the words of Jen, an EVE volunteer.  She had a wonderful experience with one of the dancers that remembered the gift of the journals from last month.

Well, God did it again! He never fails to give us the assurance that
EVE is up to something great! Due to my schedule I have had to miss
the past two outreaches so I was very excited to get back into the
swing of things last night. It was wonderful to be able to once again
give out gifts and hugs to the girls. One of my favorite parts of the
evening was how easily we got into one of the clubs in which we had
never been allowed into. Without missing a beat, our fearless leader
led us into the unknown and with a few missed turns we found the
dressing room to drop off the gifts. After a little over a year, the
doors were opened. Another incredible experience we had was 

visiting with one particular girl about our previous month's gift, which 
was a journal. She was thrilled to be able to tell us what an impact it had
on her! Her face beamed as she spoke about opening up the journal 

to see the verse 1 Peter 5:7, written on the first page. She said it was
EXACTLY what she was needing. But, it didn't just stop there for her.
She continued on to say that she posted on her myspace for all to see
AND she was getting the verse tattooed on her arm for even more to
see. How cool!! What it makes me think about is the fact that a 

tattoo like that could prompt other people to look into the Truth as she 
did; people that might come in contact with her and that we might never 
meet. EVE ministry nights are filled with ministry not only in the clubs, but
even outside. We never know how our lives and words and actions of
love will effect people. My hope is that we could continue the
ministry of loving others wherever we go. We are constant ministers 

of Christ. That's exciting!

Isn't that encouraging!  We can't wait to give out the knitted scarves for December with personalized cards.  Happy Holy days until we meet again...

The motto of the evening...

Have fun

Be Young
Drink Pepsi!

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