Monday, December 27, 2010

The Exhale, 5 thru 12

Joy making through thanksgiving:

5) Tough conversations and God's grace

6) Patience to wait my turn

7) The wheels turning on my car, getting me to where I need to be

8) The voice of a cherished friend

9) Donning creative threads

10) Life lessons coming into focus through His lens

11) The loud whisper of the Holy Spirit

12) My sister, Ann Voskamp

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Grace. Thanksgiving. Joy

Metal chiming the wind into audible note.

Watching community in a pack of wild dogs.

Grass giving surrender to winter's death.

 And a poem for the day.

 For I Dwell With You As An Alien 

Meandering street souls reminding us of the stitch before time.
Their eyes, portals to the Denominator's door they take us.
The Grand Artist whittled down right there in the bottomlessness of their gaze.

Beautiful, weathered feet dusting off the sediment of Earth's fall.
Steps that patter out eternal thanks,
Causing one to hunger for the dinner bell of time.
He gracefully prepares us for the underpinning of this Holy Day.

Homeless, but rarely it is a stranger they meet.
Aliens in this land of the dying.
Sojourners, pioneers, billboards of a place with no time and space.
Making nest prematurely (or no) in that sweet land of by and by. 

To them, the greatest of the messengers, I give thanks.

                                                                                                  ~Delissa Payne

Sunday, December 19, 2010

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