Tuesday, January 19, 2010

By one Spirit in one Body- given one Spirit to drink

A large part of my day is spent in a place that just doesn't make a whole lot of spiritual sense to me.
It's almost* as if Christ is shelved;
and God won't let me alone about it.
Those that have claimed Christ far outnumber those that don't and the darkness of it all eats at me.
I'm learning to use my spiritual fog-lamps, though.
He is allowing me to peer through the muck and into the clearing.

This week the Spirit has been fanning my flame.

First, The Complete Green Letters book was placed in my chair on Monday morning.  This somewhat obscure book has been a great companion to me over the last few years unbeknownst to the person that placed it there.  God knew this would speak to me and give me the courage to do something He has been waiting on me to do for a very long time.  It was an amazing connect the dots moment. 

Then, today I had a spiritual conversation that was so precious to me.  A person has been struggling with some very, very difficult life issues and none of us had a clue.  I was so happy to be used by the Spirit and it served to build up my faith further.

God is asking to do some mighty scary things. I so want to be back in the place I used to be when I could firmly say that I had no real fears.  Soon.  I sense my prison walls crumbling!

Last night I fixed my eyes on 1 Corinthians 12

Here are the take a ways God illuminated for me: 
  • But in fact God has arranged the parts of the body, every one of them, just as He wanted them to be.
  • those parts of the Body that seem to be weaker are indespinsable
  • AND the parts of the Body that we think are less honorable we treat with special honor
  • AND the parts that are unpresentable are treated with special modesty
  • Its parts should have equal concern for each other

You are one great God!!!

*(my use of this word denotes fear..blah!)

Saturday, January 16, 2010

The Meal

The French know how to enjoy life through these little mound receptors on our tongues called taste-buds and last night this country girl met the Riviera in style. 

I was the honored recipient of artisan cooking. 

We sat at the table and enjoyed the bounty that God has provided. 
We toasted to diversity.
We laughed our heads off.
We read from the scriptures.

Herbes De Provence Crusted Chicken (spices and lavendar)
WITH a lemony, cream-based sauce
REAL Sauteed Mushrooms
AND a little blue cheese with a homemade French baguette!!!

Are you kidding me???
The answer is NO!

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Resurrect Me

Today has been weighty in so many ways.  Why?  Because without God my focus becomes so narrow, bleak and highly uninteresting, which equals prison.  So tonight I come home to the Word of God that feeds my hunger that there is more to this existence.  And not in a booger-eater kindergarten sort of way, but more to the effect that we are floating on a rock in an expanding universe and can have an intimate relationship with Creator of said universe sort of way.  Don't make me name the ways in which I tried bridging the gap in my own power.  Nothing satisfies like Christ.  But then again, Christ has to come with revelation.  Anyhoo, I came home and opened my Bible to 1 Corinthians 15 and here are the things that stood out:

  • you have taken your stand
  • hold firm or else it is in vain that you believe
  • some have fallen asleep
  • by the grace of God I am what I am
  • if Christ has not been raised, my faith is futile
The end.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Josh Garrels

To all of you, my friends, that are scared of entertaining strangers through Couchsurfing.com...this music http://joshgarrels.com showed up on my doorstep via the community!  And the person bearing gifts, not even a believer in Christ, oh but Josh is!  You tell me, is the Trinity in control or are They not?  Is opening our lives contingent on fear or the unseen,- FAITH?  I encourage you to open your mind.  What will we say when we are standing before Him with crown(s) in hand.  You do not want to miss this life people.  Couchsurfing or not, lay down the fear, Christians.  Will you help me do the same?  I am working on some fears of my own and in His providence, as I step toward Him, He answers with freedom.  How great Thou art!!!

"The Stand" - Josh Garrels from Josh Garrels on Vimeo.

Friday, January 1, 2010

New what and I am who?

Wanted to share these 7 questions from my pastor's blog:

Seven Questions to Answer
To Kick Start 2010

Sometimes questions are more important than answers.  Questions open up possibilities and challenge boundaries.  Over the next few days, let’s explore questions that may open the door of the New Year to be better prepared to get a running start in a good direction.

         1.      Above everything else, what do you believe that the Lord wants you to BE this year?

(Phil 3:13-14 ESV) Brothers, I do not consider that I have made it your own. But one thing I do: forgetting what lies behind and straining forward to what lies ahead, 14 I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.”
The reason that you need to focus on this question is that there is nothing more important than living in God’s will.  How can you know God’s will?  Focus on what kind of person God wants you to be instead of what He wants you to do.  When what you believe changes who you are then you will do the right things.  Write a list of characteristics that should describe your life.  For example, “God wants me to be faithful to Him, humble, and to be a servant to others.”   Make a list of three things that you know God wants you to be in 2010.  Don’t take the easy way out.  Pick three that will challenge you and require a lifestyle change
         2.      What is your single greatest strength?

(Jer 1:5 NASB)  “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, And before you were born I consecrated you; I have appointed you a prophet to the nations.”

(1 Cor 12:11 NASB)  “But one and the same Spirit works all these things, distributing to each one individually just as He wills.”
Many people focus on strengthening their weaknesses.  That’s fine but I believe that we must concentrate on strengthening our strengths.  I’m terrible at math; that is just the way that it has always been.  However, I’m pretty good at language.  That is the way that God made me.  In order for me to cooperate with His design, I need to sharpen the gifts that I’ve been given.  In 2010, I would like to focus on preaching better sermons and communicating the gospel more clearly.  I need to consider how to improve my strengths.  What can I do in 2010 to make the most of what God has given me?   

3.      What is the single biggest time-waster that you do?

4.      What one spiritual discipline (prayer, Bible study, serving, sacrificial giving, etc) do you need to improve?

5.      What humanly impossible yet needed thing is there in your life for you to trust God to solve?

6.      How can you save more money this year?

7.      What one person needs your encouragement the most this year. 

Spend some time in the next few days to consider your answers and ask God to show you how to make the most out of 2010.  We begin a new page in the journal of our lives as we enter a new year.  Pray for God to give you strength, grace, and wisdom.  Happy New Year. Hag 1:5 (ESV)
5Now, therefore, thus says the Lord of hosts: Consider your ways.

2 Peter 3:18

Spend some time praying about your answers.  After the seventh question, we will connect your answers and make a plan for 2010. 

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