Monday, September 14, 2009

Better Off Dead

While driving through the country-side during my lunch break, I passed the following temporary banner on the side of the road, “Deer Management Archery Harvest.” Apparently, in order to manage the population of deer, these creatures get an arrow through the heart. Fine and even more dandy; I love me some deer-jerky. Out of curiosity, I researched the stipulations involved and upon the list was the word “mature.” A harvesting will take place of a mature crop.

These days, when I see the word harvest, I tend to think of the Heavenly sort, too. I love the word. It’s chalked full of goodness; divide, pluck, gather. It’s a romantic word, isn’t it?

When my soul (mind, will and emotions) became so plump with pain, suffering, indifference, abasement and shallow living, God sent timely spiritual arrows into my swollen heart and effectively harvested my soul. There was an intense shift as I indulged the act, a super-natural exchange of power. I was dead, He was alive. He might call it dying to SELF. I didn’t have a clue as to how deeply I was involved in self until He gave me a glimpse of Him. Wow! I can remember uttering the words in total dunce cap astonishment, “He took me out of myself.” Thank God my eyes were opened, my mind was blown and my heart was replaced with that of another. Hey, I liked my heart before, but pale, let me tell you, pale in comparison to His love.

Christ living through me is the most exciting thing that has and will ever happen to me. He is expanding me beyond flesh and bone. My soul, is indeed, better off dead.

 Here's to my very tasty friend and visual-aid, George.

Psalm 34:8 Taste and see that the Lord is good; blessed is the man who takes refuge in him.

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