Thursday, December 17, 2009

Small Faith wins Nobel Peace Prize

Howdily-hodily neighborly-

I wanted to jot down a few things from my devoted time with my Savior, Jesus the Christ, this very night; the primo manager of this here body, soul and spirit.  The freedom I have on this side of whatever happens to us when we "get it" is nothing less everything more than the visible reality we live and breathe.  I am so thankful for the way He speaks to me.  Ok, see I get lost in the love I have for Him and get carried off.

Back to framed thoughts...first of all the account of Saul and David's relationship in 1 Samuel 16 is so lovely.  I had previously heard a friend speak on the notion of an armor-bearer in ancient times and it provoked vivid imagery of the physical and spiritual notion of the position.  So here's the relevance. After God had given the revelation to Samuel "Arise, anoint him (David); for this is the one!," David goes back to being pasture boy.  I wonder how much time passed before David was called back to actually become Saul's armor-bearer?  The neat thing is that he was obviously anointed and aware as it says "the Spirit of the Lord came up on Him."  But he had to return to his position of sheep-herder (which I must admit is on my bucket list) until the time was right.  He had to be faithful in the small things before being entrusted with the greater.

Am I being faithful in what He has called me to do and waiting with eager anticipation?  Or am I only waiting in eager anticipation.  Well, my answer is yes and no.  The list falls heavily to one side in certain areas and vice versa.  But for the those weighing in on the side of "no," well, that list got smaller tonight!  Thanks, God.  You are really cool and I mean that with reverence.

Well done, good and faithful slave!  You were faithful over a few things; I will put you in charge of many things.
Matthew 25:23

"Well, ain't that the truth!" As g-ma always said when something pleasantly shocking showed up on her soul's doorstep.

I'm leaving you with this...Be faithful in the small!

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